Saturday, November 19, 2011

I am looking for an artist, to draw hibiscus flowers and a koi fish?

Your work will be a tattoo. Before i want to go to a shop i want some art from of you. If you can do this then please do help me and draw something like this. But i don't like those flowers and the fish's face looking like a cat fish. Thank you. If i like your art. It will be on my arm for life.

Here is an idea for you. Please no color. Just outline like this. If you want to shade it. Then do as you please. Thank you. You can also add a few more flowers of you want. BUTT HIBISCUS flowers only please. And if you can. Some how add the name Jennie in the art. Only if you can. Jennis is my grandma that passed away, my bestfriend. THank you again.

Here is TWO links of the SAME picture incase one doesn't work.

I am looking for an artist, to draw hibiscus flowers and a koi fish?
Your tattoo artist should be able to customize one, if you get a good artist, they will be doing the work anyways.

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