Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hibiscus tree care?

I recently bought 2 hibiscus trees. When the flowers die and shrivel up I've been letting them fall off or else just pinching the flower off. Do I need to pinch off any of hte stem that the bud grew on or just pinch off the flower petal part ?

Hibiscus tree care?
For the houseplant Hibiscus rosa-china

Prefers a well-drained humus rich fertile soil in a warm, sheltered position in full sun[200, 260]. A very ornamental plant[1], it is not very frost-tolerant and needs to be grown in essentially frost-free areas. It might succeed outdoors in the very mildest areas of the country if given a very sheltered warm position. Alternatively, it might be possible to grow the plant as a tender annual by starting it off early in a warm greenhouse. If well-grown it can flower and set seed in its first year. This species grows very well in a frost-free conservatory in Northern Europe so long as it is in a sunny position and free from draughts[260]. Plants will often lose most of their leaves in cool winters, though they will normally regenerate quickly as the warmer weather returns[260]. The flowers of Chinese hibiscus are very important in Hindu devotional ceremonies, being sacred to the Elephant God, Ganesh[238]. Individual flowers are short-lived, in many modern cultivars the flowers wither after 24 hours though in many of the older cultivars they can last for 48 hours[260]. There are many named forms, selected for their ornamental value[200].


Seed - sow early spring in a warm greenhouse. Germination is usually fairly rapid. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots when they are large enough to handle. If growing them as annuals, plant them out into their permanent positions in early summer and protect them with a frame or cloche until they are growing away well. If hoping to grow them as perennials, then it is better to grow them on in the greenhouse for their first year and to plant them out in early summer of the following year. Cuttings of half-ripe wood, July/August in a frame. Overwinter them in a warm greenhouse and plant out after the last expected frosts.

The flowers last only one day but are so numerous you get flowers all year as long as you give it plenty of sunlight.

You can prune the tree by pinching the branches 1/3 of the length of the branch. In fall or winter your hibiscus may drop leaves and become dormant. Just water when the soil is almost dry.

Other hardy hibiscus like the rose of sharon

Prune after flowers to the height you want if disired.
Reply:Just pinch the flower.

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