Monday, May 11, 2009

My Hibiscus plant's flowers seem kind of dull this year. Is there anything I can do to revive the color?

Everything else looks good. Very lush, green leaves and it seems to be very heathy. Just not as bright as previous years.

My Hibiscus plant's flowers seem kind of dull this year. Is there anything I can do to revive the color?
If this is an indoor plant it must be tropical and if it's outdoor you must live in a much warmer zone. So it must be a tropical hibiscus. So fertilize lightly and often -- hibiscus are heavy feeders. Use fertilizers that include the trace elements such as iron, copper, boron, etc. A dry fertilizer such as a 10-10-10 is all right, however most growers prefer low phosphate fertilizer such as a 7-2-7, feeling that it helps produce the most impressive quality and quantity of blooms. Those so-called "bloom specials" with the 10-40-10 type of formula are avoided by most professional growers -- phosphorous can build up in the soil over time and cause a general decline in the health of tropical hibiscus plants. Over-use of high nitrogen fertilizers may encourage leaf growth rather than flower production. Water soluble fertilizers are good both for spraying leaves (foliar feeding) and for fertilizing potted plants. (High phosphorous water soluble fertilizers can be used successfully when applied as a foliar feeding.) Experiment and see what works well for your local growing conditions. Slightly acid soil (a pH of 6 to 7) helps the plant absorb nutrients. Hard water and proximity to things like concrete can move the pH in the wrong direction -- toward an alkaline pH
Reply:since it is cold not really just keep watering it. and maybe a little miracle grow because that does not help the color helps the size if you use miracle grow as the size is increasing maybe the color will increase too.
Reply:Go here for care:
Reply:Miracle Grow

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